Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year

It's now 2013. Happy New Year! The holidays are over and now we can concentrate on our house. I thought I posted the star light that we installed, but I guess it was only posted on Facebook. I decided to install it INside the house, in the entryway, rather than the porch. We're having the bench built, hopefully this next week. It's a gift from my mom. Thanks again, Mom! I can't wait to post the pix of it while it's being built and once it's done. So keep posted! For now, here are the pix of my star light (I love it!) and some other things.

Star light...
 Star bright...
 We decided to go with these bar stools because they fit mostly under the counter when not in use.
We got a Welcome basket from the builder. =)
 Our first visitor.
 Another Welcome To The Neighborhood treat! They were delish!
 Beautiful Georgia sky right out our back door.
 Housewarming gift from my mom. Thanks mom!
 Happy housewarming to me!
 More Welcome treats! Yummy!
 Late night visitors.

 A Walking Stick on our house!